
The veterans still sleep inside the trains

Loose harlots, $5 dollars for brains,

And the biggest pimps are still leading assembly,

Church is mundane,

And all is obtained,

For a tax refund and a quick name change. (pastor)

Little girls who use to jump roped in the streets,

Now wear opposite colors,

Stay looking for beef.

The baby boy who once crawled in his crib,

Grew up, got shot,

Blasted his legs and tore open his ribs.

Peeping Tom lives next to your house,

Friendly text messages to go up in your blouse,

Now he and his spouse,

Are unemployed and stay on the web,

Videotaping what goes in their bed,

Fast money instead,

Sexy mammies showing all of their flesh,

I.D. card stating not even 18 yet,

No bosom or chest.

And there are real dudes, who work hard,

But are dedicated tippers,

Trying to wife up local strippers?


No money, yet the world goes round, predicaments we all go through to take of a frown.

1st Century Christians vs. Modern Day Christians

Just analyzing, studying, observing, questioning, seeking and praying about this walk of life and the belief in "Christianity"...

If the 1st century Christians (Paul and the disciples) came to a modern day christian church today, will they be able to recognize it???

What day did Yeshua (Christ), Paul and the disciples observe?
What holidays did the Lord, Yeshua obseve?
What did Yeshua consume and not consume?

Just asking.....while observing :)

Things are Critical (Who works in factories disguised as sanctuaries?)

(This poem is dedicated to those lost sheep stuck in the will of a false pastor, false preacher, false Prophet, etc. This is For all those seeking to leave a cult and for those who are not aware that they are being manipulated by wolves in clothing. MANY WILL COME TO DECEIVE IN THE NAME OF YESHUA (CHRIST).

Things are critical,

A low bar in the spiritual,

Religious and political,

Fast money and hypocritical.

Artificial, superficial, fanged wolves in fleece,

Hand dipped in the grease,

Foul scent when they speak.


When you sin with your mind then you sin in your heart,

When you sin in the physical, you sin when you walk,

When you sin in the spiritual you sin when you talk,

(All sin is critical just give HIM (the Lord) your heart)

Cotton hands walk around and bald sheep lying in chalk.

Who works in factories disguised as sanctuaries?

Con artists pushing boundaries,

Doing blasphemies,

No different from the ones who sit in D.C.

Creating lies of false hope and deceit.

Burning facts, creating myths

And then spread them like seeds.

Pregnant, yes, but NOT men

I know that male seahorses become pregnant that's natural but as for the male human being becoming pregnant it is not. Why give the illusion of appearing something you are not. These ladies may take as many hormones as they please to gain testosterone, grow facial and chest hair, deepen their voices etc, but they will always remain women. They have vaginas. They have ovaries. They are able to lactate. Why is society impress by this facade? It is what it is! If they are lesbians, then fine, acknowledge that they are females, but don't use the "Pregnant Men" act.


(Taken from article)
(Gender Identity Disorder)

Latinos Unidos

We’ve been raped, slaughter and slaved,

Given government names,

We walk with heads low

Because we stay feeling ashamed,

But my people once reigned,

Now catch them working in bodegas,

Incas, Mayans, Aztecas,

and Tainos selling manteca!

Instead of staying in escuela,

They stay watching novellas,

Illusions and delusions.

My people wake up!

It’s time for restitution!

Playing God

Animals are being cloned from adult DNA,
Mammals no longer made through a sperm and an egg,
Sex with Robots with humanistic appearances,
Projects are being subject to fulfill a lewd experience,
Injections and illusions, like a fountain of youth,
Infections and viruses from man made experiments, uncouth.

Who Told You To Give Up?

I remember as a child being in reading groups, because I could not read. I had horrible grammar, I also got teased . (It’s kind of hard to focus on homework when grandma need house work and babysitting done, when I was only 11.)

In High School I was told to drop out of school and get a G.E.D. (By my guidance counselor). I was told I would be on a 6 year plan to get my H.S. degree. (S.S. teacher, But I got it in 4 ½ years instead.) The lack of faith was at home too.

But my father in heaven watched me, and gave me a pad and pen and guided me. I became a poet. And if I could do that, I knew If I pushed myself, I could also do school work. Now, Never in a million years, would I have ever imagined, That I would own a plaque, embedded with my name, awarded me a B.A. degree. With God all this are possible. Now if I can only find steady employment.

"For with God nothing will be impossible." (Luke 1:37)