Prince Turns Down Guitar Hero???

Prince also known as O(+> revealed he had been approached by Activision to license parts of his music for the Guitar Hero franchise. "Well, I ain't mad at them. I hear it made, like, $2 billion and they came to us and offered us a very small portion of that," explained Prince. "But I just think it's more important that kids learn how to actually play the guitar. It's a tough instrument--it's not easy. It took me a long time, and it was frustrating at first. And you just have to stick with it, and it's cool for people who don't have time to learn the chords or ain't interested in it, but to play music is one of the greatest things."

Right.....(pause) Well Prince, I admire and enjoy your music tremendously but this "excuse" is kinda lame. Would it be fair to say that... Kids should be learning how to kill real zombies, instead of playing a game. It took me a long time to learn zombie slaying, and I often got frustrated, and wanted to give up, but I stuck with it and now realize what a great gift it is. Don't do drugs...

Signing off
