Cult Confessions + Poem /Song (The Sour Hour)

The Sour Hour (Raid) -Stories about a Cult

Ready for battle,
Here comes a war,
Bring the:
Cults, Trends and Sects Down,
In the name of the Lord.

Its the breaking of doors,
the devil has been expose,
Fall to your knees
now put on some clothes.

Lives being victimized,
the killing of sheep,
the enemies waiting paciently
together they reap.

I saw the game,
lying for the money and fame,
friends are now my enemies
but victory I gain.

They hide behind smiles,
the hugs gave me denials,
conversations meaningless,
artificial and foul.

But I smelled it,
Their lifestyles were too wild,
Dry and mild,
Lukewarm soilders only last for a while.

The mission is to spread
common sence and the truth,
like a virus overrunning
to old and the yout,.
Conviction scares and scatters
to the souls points of views
Now If you get offended,
then this message is for you.

**** Lyrics to a song named "Raid Remix" written in 2002.
(Album: Dungeon Classics Vol 1).

This verse was about a true story that happened to my friends and I at a cult (Destiny Worship Center) we exposed. (I was there for a few months.)We fasted prayed for the members of this organization. This organization no longer exist. The people were oppresed, robbed, decieved, women became the "pastors mistresses and offspring were made as well, tithes went to his Jaguar and alligator shoes. The so called Pastor was a Pimp under a false and it has been said that he is now a club promoter. A Warlock without conviction. "

Cult Confessions

Back in May of 2001, I was part of a congregation introduced to me by my friends from College Regine and L. I had just "gotten saved" and left the lifestyle of face readings, house cleanings, horoscopes and more. There I met a man named Brotha P. he was odd but friendly. He used to sing "Big pimping, I smell big pimping" in front of the church doors. He was still in the process of salvation while being a member of a fraternity back in N. Carolina. Through him I met a good friend named Sean Slaughter. And this is how it began......

----fast forward----
This was a false congregation where the "so-called" pastor was a pimp. He needed to make a few bucks, and what better way to do it? Create a Church. I guess Brotha P saw something I didn't. "That big pimping" song he sang about was about what he was seeing inside the church.
I only attended for a few months. I never felt like I belonged. I usually kept to myself and observed what was going on. I avoided the women bible studies that were based on "Did you see what she wore on today" and the "And I think that is my husband over there, I pray it is him."

I had weird dreams of the Pastor seducing women. In one dream I saw him dancing like a stripper in bright Hawaiian clothes while the women in the church lined up before him. I had visions of women and men lusting after one another. I had dreams of the church having no roof. The congregation looked poor and the Pastor wore a tank top and boxers, fanning himself with a church flyer, shaking his head, and telling me " This is bad, this is bad."

One day while fasting and praying I went to where almost everyone was yelling in tongues. No one seem to interpret what was being said. The pastor paced on the alter. The elders looked scared and confused. I had never spoke nor interpreted tongues (another language) yet I kept hearing in my mind play over and over "Woe be unto you" "Woe be unto you." I didn't say anything because I did not know what that meant, at the time.

I saw a little boy. I saw him before in church, but he seemed odd to me at that moment. He looked like the pastor. He was no more than 3. I stared at him in awe and looked up just to see the pastor stare at me and grin. I knew it was his. The pastor had been sleeping with many women in the church. From that day on, the pastor stared at me a lot.

A month passes and my friend Sean was working on an album. He asked Brotha P and I to join and we agreed to work with him. He became a tight bond. Sean looked for singers in the church and found one. She did not last long. One day while in the studio she confessed to sleeping with the pastor after finishing and recording a song. She confessed about the bracelet she received from him. She wasn't the only girl in the church to get one. Four other girls received one too. She said she wanted to tell say what was happening. I did not see her that Sunday. I did not see the other four girls either. The pastor's sermon that day was about being watchful for a dark women wanting to ruin him, with lies. It was too late, My friends and I already knew, but everyone else in church were on high alert. Sean left the church. Brotha P left a week later. I stayed and prayed. I knew that if I had left, he would have known we were up to something. So I pretended no not know a thing. The pastor preached on the movie "Training Day" How the bad cop influenced the good cop. The bad cop was Brotha P and the good cop was Sean. (although he didn't say that directly)

Within that week or so, the church had lost its lease from months of unpaid rent. The pastor still drove his jaguar and wore his alligator shoes though. I tried to talk to a couple of friends from college especially L about leaving. She gave me the excuse I always heard. " Don't let the devil fool you. What you feel is not from God, you just got saved." Members I did not know called me and convinced me as well. News travels fast. Or did they just want to know what I knew about the church? I stayed.

Within a week or two they moved into a night club, Calypso City. Praying in the day and dancing at night. He preached about how God was providing him a bigger place has a blessing. I knew that wasn't true. I continued to fast and pray. Then one day I noticed an elder of the church move people into different sections of the church. My friend, Regine sat next to me. They moved her too. I then noticed that I was sitting in a row, alone and separated from everyone. I knew something was wrong. I began to pray. Women walked up and down the aisels praying, yelling and rebuking, while staring at me. Then when I thought nothing more weird could happen, it did.

The pastor started to yell 'Who do you think you are?" "Do you know who I am". He stared at me. "This is my place, I proclaim this, How dare you"? He continued to repeat and repeat. The church was convinced they were rebuking an enemy. They were so blind. I felt like I was no longer listening to a Pastor, but to something wicked. I prayed harder with my eyes wide open. He began to say what I had been thinking. This really shook me up. Like if he was a warlock or something.

The room started to spin, but I had this feeling before. I remember a weeks back when one of the members of the congregation was yelling, shaking and acting wild in church. I had ran to the door for some air. The church may had thought something was wrong with me, but it was them all along. That spinning feeling came back but I remained still. At the end of service, the pastor squinted and grinned at me. I stared back and prayed for peace a of mind. Give HIM my battle. Prayed for pastor and the grace that he needed. He stopped staring.

I waited for my friend Regine, but one of the elders held her down in a chair and told me to leave. I left and went around a corner to hide. I waited for her. When saw her, I waved over a cab and called her over. She ran and we left never to return. We looked at each other in silence all the way to her house in Brooklyn.

Click here to listen to one of the songs about this indecent.

Song: Cut it off

Review at

Music by: Sean Slaughter/Karina "Eleven" Guardiola/Joe "Brotha P" Talifero/Claude Wallace (Dungeon Classics Vol.1)