T.D. Jakes Theories vs. The Bible


T.D. Jakes has also be mad suspect to me along with other money, fame, aka pastors, worship leaders whatever they want to call themselves. Him along with Creflo Dollar and Benny Hinn. I always go with my gut and will always continue to unless the Lord himself reveals otherwise. These people are SUSPECT. Watch it.

T D Jakes claims Ruth & Naomi and David & Jonathan Were Gay!
In this audio (courtesy of Faith and Reason), TD Jakes can be heard giving credibility to the astonishing fallacy that Ruth and Naomi had a lesbian relationship.

“Ruth turns to Naomi and says “I shall not leave thee.” She makes her statement to this woman…that sounds somewhat, somewhere in between poetry, intimacy, and borders on lesbianism. People don’t even know how to explain what Ruth said to Naomi. It makes them uncomfortable. They’re afraid to talk about it. They don’t want to teach on it. Same thing with David and Jonathan…where there were same-sex relationships getting too close, people don’t even know what to say.” (T D Jakes)

More on T D Jakes is here (as well as the audio) http://gcmwatch.wordpress.com/2008/08/29/td-jakes-becomes-a-conduit-for-false-homosexual-theology/ (thanks to P J Miller for finding it)

(P.S.) I am thankful to all my friends and family out in blogspot and facebook world for praying for me and my husband concerning our housing situation. GOD IS GOOD. ALL GLORY TO GOD