Hard rock or Gem

t be a hard rock, when you really are a gem -Lauryn Hill

I know your kind,

You’re a leader,

Yeah you got your own mind,

A little thug,

Pretty rough,

But your heart is alright.

A Hard rock?

Who are you fooling girl?

You are really a jewel,

And when some gets to close,

For your protection you’re rude.

You watch your back often,

Keep your eyes open,

Guide your grill,

Focus your mind,

Without a word spoken,

Write what’s in your heart,

But say what’s in your head,

Pray to God every night,

But still wish you were dead.

Your grades aren’t too good,

You have low self esteem,

Suffer from social anxiety,

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Because where you’re at, I was,

And were you’ve been I already left.

So use my experience to guide your steps.