Venting at Veracity

Venting at Veracity

Generation have gone mad,

Myspace teens now hold future interns

For porn mags, now what a drag.

A free show for alter egos

And employers now know,

Who is getting hired and who has to go (You’re fired).

Chivalry is so dead,

Subway carts full of women standing,

While the men sit and stare.

Senior citizen once respected, we need them for advice,

But the youth believes they have all the answers,

And they call themselves wise.

Life is so backwards,

It’s hard to reach to the top,

Friends and foes look the same,

Hard to know you is genuine and who is not,

People love to praise all those who come out of jail,

But hate on the ones who graduate and try to prevail,

The mentality of keeping it real

While living in the slums,

No wonder the government has ever reason to believe that we are dumb.