What are you celebrating?

Question: Image us celebrating a holiday where we placed boats on our yards, decorated our trees with dolls hanging on nooses, created large boxes resembling gas chambers and wore shackles as jewelry, JUST FOR FUN. Would we continue to celebrate this holiday if we found out it's meanings and origins?

Although this may seem harsh, its true. I myself did not know the truths about celebrating pagan holidays. (Halloween, Christmas, Easter etc) I pose this question because when i do ask people why they celebrate what they celebrate.

When I ask the question about why people celebrate certain things these are the responses I get:

"I dont know"

"It's fun"

"It gathers the family together"

"I don't see why it is bad".

The question above is just a though about how would it feel to celebrate slavery. I would hate to see future generations celebrate that that due to lack of knowledge of history.

This is just food for thought.

God Bless
