is really a christian site? is really a christian site or just a site of information?

This was taking from there facebook page.

Bible Gateway

Easter is coming! We've just launched two new email devotionals to help you focus on Jesus during the Easter season: a Gospel reading plan and a Lent devotional.
Lent, the season of reflection leading up to Easter, provides an excellent opportunity to embark on your own devotional journey. We think there’s no better time to renew your focus on Jesus Christ, and so we've put together two new free devotional tools for Lent.

Easter is not int the bible, Passover is! Lent is a catholic theory. Why are we still under pagan influence in 2011, when we have so much technology and info on this. I wonder if Yeshua (Jesus) was here, would he recognize the "christian" church . Paul and his disciples did not worship under pagan influence.