A Messianic Passover Experiance

 The Passover Lamb was marked out for death.

Exodus 12:6 - The Lamb was to be slain

Isaiah 53:7 - The Messiah will be led as a Lamb to slaughter

1st Peter 1:20 - Yeshua was destined to die

·          The Passover Lamb must be perfect.

Exodus 12:5 - The Lamb must be unblemished

Deut 15:21 - Only that which is perfect can make atonement

John 1:29 - Recognized by John the Baptist

John 18:38 - Pilate found no fault with Yeshua

Hebrews 4:15 - Yeshua was tested in all things

1st Peter 1:19 - Yeshua was an unblemished Lamb

·         The Passover Lamb must be roasted with fire.

Deut 32:22 - Fire in scripture speaks of God’s judgment

Isaiah 53:6 - All of our sins are upon Yeshua

Isaiah 53:10 - Yeshua was a guilt offering

Matt 27:46 - Yeshua suffered the fire of God’s wrath

2 Cor 5:21 - Yeshua was made to be sin on our behalf