Before, After and Airbrushed (Nicki Minaj)

Before a After and Airbrushed.
She was found on myspace by Lil' Wayne.
I was watching an underground B.E.T cypher the first time I have seen her and thought to myself, wow, she's a pretty tight rapper. Haven't hear a girl flow like that in a while. I looked more into her music, just to find myself disappointed. Most of her music was pretty wack. And to top it off, I saw her interview of her on Vlad T.V. and she was even more wack to me. All she talked about was MONEY.

I understand the music industry and how itty bity piggy would sell more than an underground mixtape, but c'mon. She has also has changed a lot. Could be phases , maturity or MONEY? Da brat had to do the same by dolling herself up, didn't do much though. All I know is that It is bittersweet when you have a talented artist sell out so hard. Teenage girls really admire her. Do you think it's her talent. I think not. They will be influenced by her open (lesbian) sexuality, false breasts and bottoms, the wig, the glamor and of course the money. Check out her interviews, all she talks about is "selling out" for money. Worshiping money? The problem I have is that Nicki is a role model to a lot of very girls. And although she doesn't want to accept that responsibility, it is there. Hope she grows up and realize that the Nicki Lewinsky facade is really sad. She calls herself Nicki Lewinsky and compares herself to the power she has in Lil' Wayne's company. (Setting yourself up for failure). How she is smarter than Monica Lewinsky and will use her power to build an empire. She stated Lewinsky was dumb because she but fell into a sex scandal.Wasted Talent. Imagine Nicki rapping like Lauryn Hill, and better yet for God. WOW good music! You are more than just meat, Nicki, wake up!
Also The surname Minaj is the metaphor which underscores Nicki’s empowerment to have it all and do it all! Hint hint

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.

The women of Israel wore nose rings as ornaments in the same way that women wear earrings and finger rings (see Ex. 28). The swine were considered unclean animals, thus making the example of a ring of gold in a pig's nose ludicrous. A gold ring could not beautify a dirty pig. Similarly, to suppose that a woman's physical beauty can cover her lack of discretion (or moral perception) is ridiculous. Outward beauty with indiscreet conduct has no value and actually turns beauty into ugliness (see Prov. 4).

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