
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. PROVERBS 3:5-6

Why did I choose the name Eleven or 11 as my pseudonym?

When I was in High school and heavily involved in occult practices. (some were taught to me some Catholics) I became so obsessed with numbers and numerology, that I use to add everything at all times. I would my social, my birthday etc and they would all add to 11. Even my initial K, is the 11th letter of the alphabet. I thought it was sort of sign of God, that I named myself that. Unfortunately, I was wrong. The number 11 signified the Master Number in both Numerology and Masonic.
When I began to read the bible I became convicted of the things I was involved with and eventually left it alone. When I came to know Christ, I continued to use the name Eleven until I began to research biblical numbers (NOT NUMEROLOGY, which is a perversion).
I then realized that the number 11 represented Disorder and Judgment in the bible. Not good.
I then decided to make a new meaning for the name for my new lifestyle and new walk with God. Eleven than became 2 ones.
One on One relationship with Christ.
At that point I was convinced about this meaning but now I try not to use it unless I have to. I will not lead unto my own understanding but HIS.

signing off...Karina